Sunday, October 28, 2007

My Misplaced Hands

So....I'm friends with Linda Ellis. She's is at least acquaintances, if not good friends with, anybody who is anybody in the reading community. She invited me to dinner with Dick Allington. Richard Allington has been researching good teaching and learning within the reading and total classroom for about 40 years...literally. So, as people say, "He's the Man"! After dinner, I ask if he will take a pic with Linda and me. He agrees, and searches for a good background. He decides on a park bench under gold lettering that says "Saltgrass Steakhouse" with a picture of a longhorn underneath it. So we sit on the girl on either side of Dick. He has his arms around both of us and we are talking a giggling. I am at a little bit of an awkward position leaning into him...and I'm always very clumsy when I get gigglie! The girl takes the picture of us and hands the camera to me, so that we can view the digital that we can approve, or disapprove of the shot just taken. Well, as I lean over more, so that both Dick and Linda can look at it...I drop the camera. In my reaction of not wanting the camera to fall, I reach and grab it. At this point my hand and wrist is literally resting on HIS CROTCH!!! I just about died and he is joking around and a split second of all this laughing...I drop the dang camera again...and catch it AGAIN!!!! He is really laughing now...the people standing around us, and Linda are bent over with laughter. I am completely red faced and he says "I've heard of aggressive Texas women...but Wow!
The next day at the conference (it is the reason why he was in town)...he always had something to say to me and then ended up signing his new first asking "Just who will be looking at this book" and then wrote....Watch those Hands!
The conference, by the way, was incredible. He is absolutely so knowledgeable about different research and the research that is called research, but is really profitable garbage. I wish I could listen to him more often!