Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Office

Todd and I don't get a chance to watch a lot of adult television, but we usually have "a show" that we watch together. Right now, it is The Office. Its been on for 7 years but we are just getting around to watching it. We stream it through Netflix, so I don't even know if its on cable or regular TV, but It. IS. HILARIOUS. It also happens to be a bit irreverent, so it is definitely not for everyone. Todd and I actually have to rewind and watch scenes over again because we can't hear it, due to the fact we are laughing too hard. Good Times!


Terri said...

I just discovered The Office about 2 years ago, and now own all six seasons on DVD- so much for not living a sedatary lifestyle :) I think anyone that works in some kind of office structure can relate to all of the characters.

The Office.. it's HUGE! (that's what she said)

David said...

ive never gotten into the office. i hear its wayyy funny though!

Alan Anderson said...

Office is a great show. I recommend that you also check out the british version which the american version is based of off.